There are several programming tools available to make developer’s life easier when working with JSON-stat and many end user tools to browse, filter, validate and convert JSON-stat.

JSON-stat comes with libraries and sample code for several programming languages: JavaScript, R, Java, Python, Julia or PHP.

The JSON-stat Toolkit helps you dealing with JSON-stat responses in JavaScript and Node.js and includes a command line tool to convert JSON-stat to/from another format.

Use rjstat to convert a JSON-stat response into a list of data frames and viceversa in R, the open-source software environment for statistical computing and graphics.

Do you love readable code? You can use JSON-stat in Python with and pyjstat.

Are you a Java guy? Don’t worry, to the rescue!

Do these languages sound too old for you? Use JSONStat.jl to work with JSON-stat in Julia.

JSON-stat Toolkit

LanguageJavaScript Command Line
AuthorXavier Badosa
LicenseApache License, Version 2.0
Compatibilityv. 2.0


AuthorMiguel Expósito Martín
LicenseApache License, Version 2.0
Compatibilityv. 2.0

AuthorErlend Hamnaberg, Hadrien Kohl, Statistics Norway
LicenseApache License, Version 2.0
Compatibilityv. 2.0


AuthorAaron Schumacher, Håkon Malmedal
LicenseMIT License
Compatibilityv. 2.0


AuthorKarl Pettersson
LicenseSimplified “2-clause” BSD License
Compatibilityv. 2.0

AuthorGiovanni F.
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3
Compatibilityv. 2.0

Eurostat R package

AuthorLeo Lahti, Janne Huovari, Markus Kainu, Przemyslaw Biecek et al.
License© Leo Lahti, Janne Huovari, Markus Kainu, Przemyslaw Biecek
Compatibilityv. 2.0 (This package imports Eurostat's JSON-stat v. 2.0 responses into R)

Multidimensional HTML Table Renderer

AuthorSimon Speich
LicenseGNU General Public License, Version 3 or later
Compatibilityv. 2.0 (This PHP library renders the content of JSON-stat v. 2.0 datasets as an HTML table)

End User Tools

JSON-stat Subsetter

Retrieve (GET / POST / paste string), view and filter the contents of JSON-stat / CSV-stat / SDMX-JSON dataset and save a subset as JSON-stat v. 2.0 / CSV-stat / CSV.

JSON-stat Explorer

View and filter the contents of a JSON-stat query (GET or POST method), or paste some JSON-stat of any kind: collections or datasets (if bundle, the first dataset will be read). SDMX-JSON datasets are also supported.

JSON-stat Viewer

View the contents of a JSON-stat query (GET method) of any kind: collections, datasets or even v.1 bundles.

JSON-stat Table Browser

Browse in tabular form the contents of a JSON-stat query (GET method) dataset collections, datasets or even v.1 bundles. SDMX-JSON datasets are also supported.

JSON-stat Input Table Browser

Paste some JSON-stat (or SDMX-JSON) dataset text and browse in tabular form its contents.

JSON-stat CSV Exporter

Retrieve a local JSON-stat dataset file and convert it to CSV.

JSON-stat CSV Batch Exporter

Paste or retrieve from a local file a list of JSON-stat (or SDMX-JSON) dataset queries (GET or POST method) and download them as CSV (including CSV-stat).

JSON-stat CSV Importer

Retrieve a local CSV file and convert it to JSON-stat.

JSON-stat Console

Browse in tabular form the contents of a JSON-stat query (GET or POST method) dataset (if dataset collection or bundle, the first dataset will be read). SDMX-JSON datasets are also supported.

JSON-stat Command Line Conversion Tools

Convert to and from JSON-stat from the command line. These tools support different JSON flavors, CSV (including CSV-stat) and SDMX-JSON. Node.js is required.

JSON-stat Validator

Paste some JSON-stat 2.0 or provide a JSON-stat 2.0 query (GET method) and validate it.

Eurostat’s Swiss Army Knife

Browse, filter, convert and download Eurostat’s datasets or build a JSON-stat API query.

JSON-stat Web Data Connector for Tableau

Import datasets from any JSON-stat (or SDMX-JSON) API directly into Tableau using a Web Data Connector (WDC). Supports GET and POST services. The WDC address is (it must be used inside Tableau).

Power BI custom connector

Import datasets from a JSON-stat dataset into PowerBI. It requires manually adding relations inside PowerBI. Designed specifically for the Eurostat API, it can be used with any JSON-stat v.2 dataset as far as values and dimension categories are expressed as objects. (See also How to import data from Eurostat directly into #PowerBI.)